Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fire Red Gpsphone Cheat Template

first single herbs!

We are pleased to present the first single, Fri "Hopelessness" promoting the great strides the upcoming album "Whats LP" Herbs. Download here:
with or .

And here listening to YouTube'ie:

Friday, November 6, 2009

Enlarged Spleen How To Tell


Charger - MiniMixtape

Tracklist: 01
02 K * RWA!
03 Several Dam (TV herb)
04th Here
05th Ril 06th Mjuzik
Gdje Dzięgi Maje! (Ai $)
07th Shut

words: Old Word files
Bits: Internet (the "Shut up" is a bit of herbs)
Mix and Master: Herb
Cover: So Fresh Design


We are proud to present you the material for which no one was waiting, that nobody knew no one expected that he may appear. This is an unexpected gift to the unknown guy. We put in your hands mixtape, which we hope you warm up the young lady in the long, cold autumn evenings, and will kick you guys. Remember, the Charger is the dark horse of the show.

Download from
In case of problems with the download

Monday, October 12, 2009

There Are Pimples On My Scalp

The Good Die Young.

With great sadness I inform Manifesto '80 death of one of our colleagues. Although he was not part of our team, however, made an integral part of our neighborhood. Always cheerful and smiling, Michael passed away Oct. 10 at age 22 years, is our contemporary, with whom we spent the early years playing ball, and the last games in the common and carefree smile. This is another example to live by as if there's no tomorrow, because you never know when we will go to the house of the Lord ...

Baku, we will miss your joy, laughter and all the positive aura that rozsiewałeś around ... we will never forget moments spent together, and there were many. The whole family is assumed MNFST today only black scarves.

" They say the good die young,
That's why I think That You Should Have fun
Cause time will not wait for no one When God calls
, you gotta go home

RIP homies.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where Can I Read Naruto Yaio Manga

Smile! Polls

E, yo, yo, yo! Yo, yo!

Manifesto '80 happy to inform all and sundry that there was another earlier this year extension to our team. Well, you see ... Today we joined the ranks of MC from the western Polish (from Swinoujscie, for those geeks) Simon "2SZ" Szymczak.

to listen, we give you a sample of his rap. Smile number recorded on instrumentalu Scareface'a & 2Pac with the same title.

click on the image to download a song!

From today, together we will be proving the value of the scene Polish Western.

Pees Out!

How To Program Starchoice Older Remote


week ago, we turned to you with the question of whether przeznaczylibyście 18zł Herbs for the upcoming album. Your reply has adopted our automated interviewer and told us that:

17 lending to people bought it,
4 people that would even have paid more for it, only to have such a great album,
12 people - those This they did not know whether the people to buy, but rather,
13 people do not want this CD onej,
8 people posłało us to fuck. These people wish death and evil, and we hope that they will travel the tram.

... and so it was with this survey.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Comparison Carl Zeiss Lens To Sony Lens

Whats up!

Whats up! Herb here.

with wild delight to inform all those who still do not know me as a rapper (or do not know) that my motherboard - Whats LP, came just in the final phase of production, ie mastering, rushing guests and DJs and collection fleet in the stamping.

Following is the cover and tracklist. Without guests and DJs - I want to avoid the subsequent translation , why is not this and that (but I promise it will be awfully good and fejmowi).

01 Whats up (bit: Herb)
02 Hopelessness (bit: Herb)
03 Recently (bit: overslept)
04th Once again (bit: Bleiz, wybajerzony and varied by herb)
05th Mask (bit: overslept)
06th Normally (bit: BennCart)
07th I live on (bit: Herb)
08th Cutouts (bit: Herb)
09th I met you (bit: Herb)
10th Night (bit: Ziło)
11th Patterns (bit: Herb)
12th Drop (bit: Mes - Roland Phantom, Holy - drums)
13th My days (bit: Herb)
14th Excuse me (outro) (bit: Herb)
15th Go (bit: Herb)

tracklist But that's nothing! After clicking on any of the links below you can listen promominimixu, which will give you a picture as to the wording of the whole material.


premiere is scheduled for, say, the first half of October. So, taking into account the mean delay of rap CDs, you can expect her in the second.

In any case, a pawn and pure tjun!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Labelled Diagram Of Ship Riggings

E yo, yo, yo!

present to you a piece of the duo players Manifesto '80 - Herbs and answer. Track recorded the backing of the remix Boom Biddy Bye Bye Cypress Hill , called Without Compromise . downloading and evaluate how to exercise our micu hitherto exclusive manufacturer of herb, which will soon record - Whats LP. 5!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Where Do Iget Pinky Mice

Buy a T-shirt M '80! M-Files

select from the following sets (summarized in combination Front and Rear):

# 1

# 2

# 3

# 4

# 5 aka SGN

Cost per shirt is $ 35. Prepay by July 31. Implementation of up to 2 weeks from August 1. For more information and sizes of write to .

Friday, May 29, 2009

How Does It To Were A Pantygirdle

buried in our archives, we found some good old numbers that were not completed or were so spontaneous, they were not thrown in the network. We came across such for some, a short freestyle performed QBX'a and today we go straight to your ears! Soon more information about the next projects the group!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Rash Peels Like Sunburn


Today we have for you a few things to download and a portion of the information.

Firstly primo have registered on our official blog, where they are at more than 2000 visitors! Thank you for your interest!

The second issue is good news for those who continued not to listen Herbs in an interview with Radio Index. Today we put it specifically for you to download! Thus: Part first and second .

third case is nothing but a new piece straight from Answer'a MC, still hot, just this morning received from the mix. "The Goal" is a loose track, which was several hours ago. Piece was recorded at intrumentalu group De La Soul song "All Good". We invite you to download! MNFST 4 Life!

Click on the image to retrieve a number.

remind you also that there is a possibility to comment posts, just enter your username and e-mail and a few words from each other.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hunter Wellies London Ontario

herb will speak on the radio!

are very glad to inform you that the guy next issue of broadcast Listen! will co-creator and author labels latest album Attacks On Mediocrity - Ten Typ Mes. On Sunday evening, in the studio at. Podgórna 50 will also Herb Herb - one of the most talented producers in our region ...

In a conversation with her husband, we will focus primarily on the memorable assault on mediocrity, the rapper admitted the week before. We will ask him about the advantages of disc burning in his own apartment, a featuringi on the album and a means to promote the new album. The conversation will also include topics not related to the new album. We will issue a new 2cztery7 and solo projects of individual members of that team.

On Sunday evening, in addition to broadcast Senior Listen! - Paul Mytlewskiego in the studio of Radio Index will also Herb Herb. One of the most important producers in the province of Lubuskie, will talk in the conversation, among other things how did the collaboration with her husband. Reprezenant Żagań temptation is also to sum up her musical inspirations and creative process bits, which is the author. In addition, special programs for listeners Listen! play new songs, which in addition to the role of the beatmaker, takes on the role ... rapper!

Amateurs prize awaits the forthcoming program a real treat. During the broadcast on to win two double passes to the concert in Zielona Gora Pokahontaz and the latest album - Ten Typ Mes - Attacks On Mediocrity. Welcome


Hear Radio 96 FM Index on Sundays 22:00 to 24:00.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Copper Statue Of Liberty


ended up voting in the first poll on our blog. It concerned that what / whose design you want to hear first. Interest in it was big (141 votes). The classification is as follows: first
QBX Mixtape - 47 votes (33%)
second Charger EP - 40 votes (28%)
third Answer MC LP - 33 votes (23%)

Congratulations to the winners, the prize for them founded by Hubert Urbanski, and the company Mercedes. We look forward now to the "chosen" to see how to fulfill their tasks. Certainly your Interest in the projects will For us extra motivation to work.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Holluihans Balsamic Salad

Manifesto Spring Jam '80

On the second day of Easter, which is in the Easter Monday aka śmigus-Dyngus part of our team met to accompany Gnykowi mazaniu and Henry at the walls. For the most interesting work these holidays throw some pics of the day described. It was really laaany Monday ... and, maybe more richly mildly. Pozdróweczki for Our Destroyer'ów!

photos and Gnyk Bartas.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cheap Brazilian Waxing Bergen County


've just umieścieliśmy poll on the blog. You can vote in it for the most awaited projects by you, we are working. Progress on individual projects is different, some are only in its infancy, when the other one works for quite some time. Surely some of you are waiting for a long time ago announced a joint mixtape manifesto ... We'll see what the most waits. This is what you choose the most desirable Project expected to be released first.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kathy Van Zeeland Discoutued

New Project Pumpkin! New member MNFST

This morning I went around the world like wildfire information that is none other than the pumpkin itself is planning later this year to spend their debuitancki album. Pumpkin revealed that out of nagrne are 3 numbers from the planned 22, and the material bears the working title of "Home of the Grand Sheik AND BOOM, BOOM gun." The board itself apart from its author, and also the main Recorders will feature leading edge of the Polish underground, and the bits you expect to include Just Blaze, Kanye West (yes, yes, THIS Kanye West) and Dr. Dre. More amount of detail we can not tell you because they are subject tajniści highest classification. We can only wait. From now on any day will not be the same ...

Happy April 1st!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Farm Lessons Streaming

pleased to announce that we adopted a new member to the team. It is none other than co "Straight From the Streets SGN: mixtape - DJ HWR! May the friendship and cooperation component was hard and durable as a diamond. Pozdro Ziom, pozdro students!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Newborn Wind With Flem

'80! Record in SPG!

Welcome all visitors to the blog, for the first time the issue of "Straight From the Streets SGN: Mixtape"! I will not write about the next plans for publishing the group MNFST because it is too early, but I want to remind and encourage you to record in our studio under the fat man. So far, we had four customers, including the two work cycles. Now is the possibility of recording higher microphone (condenser) which gives a lot better quality than before (my mixtape was recorded in the 'old' hardware, and even then probably gained quite a following.) We recorded vocals for a very comfortable conditions, as well as the subsequent processing and preparation of the full track of. The only thing you have to do is come in and record what you want! Please contact us through myspace or write an e-mail: .


Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Does It Mean If My Bilirubin Level Is A 4?


As previously announced today the premiere of "Straight From the Streets SGN: Mixtape." I apologize for slipping, but listening to the final effect, I think it was worth the wait. Thank HWR'owi and Ziołowi and Gnykowi and guests on my board for their cooperation and assistance. "PZUS" today! Keep checking on my .. One!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Remington 870 Mcs Forsale


happened! The official release date straight from the streets of SGN: mixtape is 24 January 2009! It could take longer if I continue to wait for the DJ scribble I have no such intention and that is why the Prime Minister as early as next Saturday. He knows this date, and only depends on him whether it would be on the projections, if the product of handiwork is so, and if not difficult and no one will Beczała. Bezwzględu on how you can greet him warmly because, although a little too often stoned him to equal the level of. Time to start the countdown! PoPoPoPo!!

PS Look around the city;]