Saturday, March 19, 2011

Panasonic First Time Charge

These New Puritans - We Want War

action "catching up" ie zgapione or antiques, etc.

another so mysterious, strong, brutal in the transmission and the original CD as "The Hidden" in 2010, it was not ..
but are These New Puritans was for her the title of best album of the year from the NME? in my arrogant opinion-no. However
facts: They are great, the album is great. Thrill seekers recommend.

unique, amazing, the single "We Want War"

regret that I can not show you the rest of the album; / listen to it alone, loudly, sipping liquor.

somewhere it can add to the previous post, drastically different, the first disc TNPS "Beat Pyramode" because it is what you hear


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