Monday, May 30, 2011

Webcam En Directhotel Sandos Caracol

Ghoul SHOP

proclaim this, here, in one place, a few last things left to me to sell before I move to my kidneys and intestines similar, is that I may somehow pay levies for the doctorate. Here's what's on offer:


(Ghoul Press, Nis, 2010)
= $ 450 (with ptt included)
cult and occult horror novel, who knows - will know, who knows, kliknuće Link to ...

Faustian screen: the devil in the film

(Svetozar Markovic, Zajecar, 2006)
= 666 din (with PTT included)
Unique study of horror and fantasy on film , with emphasis on films about Satan and his a related subject.
This is the last extra copies available to others. In bookstores not long ago I saw, and I think the publisher has no more than a dozen in the warehouse, if that.

In the hills, horror: Serbian horror movie

(Cultural Center of Nis, Nis, 2007)
= 600 din ( with PTT included)
first and only book on the whole world in its entirety devoted to the Serbian horror film, from LEPTIRICA to Satan.
last dozen available: buy now reasonably , to avoid after the triple prices Limundo .

new staff: shoved values \u200b\u200bof Serbian film

(anthology edited by Dejan Ognjanovic and John Velisavljevic, Clio, Beograd, 2008)
= 1000 din (with PTT included)
terribly rare item, with its original protective outer sleeve cover done in only 100ak copies, other than that under which the book later sold in bookstores.
complete unique, my last piece .

Larry Gonik, Cartoon Guide to Sex

Paramecijum, Belgrade, 2005.
( Translated: Dejan Ognjanovic )
= 500 Ft (with PTT included)
Large Format , 200ak pages, illustrated , very funny, instructive, useful - a perfect gift for a girlfriend, boyfriend, parents ...
only thing left for me two copies - you can add some lascivious drawing on them by an interpreter, if one wishes.

William Hope Hodgson, The Casebook of Carnacki - The Ghost Finder

= 500 Ft (with PTT included)
The classic collection of occult horror story of a writer who was very appreciative Lavkraft (rightly).
This sale only because I have a combination of circumstances twice, otherwise I would not. One copy.

Excellent preserved, Serbian, movie posters, classic large format. Horror, cult, rare, stariteti, crazy, bizarre, trash ... Click on a title to see photos available posters and their more popular than at reasonable prices.

ALL drives up the link in the title listed are original (not noodles), in their original boxes and with all the extras (where they exist) as as purchased or obtained. All discs are new, generally once or twice watched, clean and correct, and boxes and bags they were shiny.
Some of them were sold in the meantime - and write Find out what else is .

agreement for anything regarding the above, write to dogstar666 et yahoo dot com .
coming to Belgrade in Wednesday, 01 June so it is possible to bring something for those who are on time first.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Boat And Rv Shows Anahiem Stadium

HORROR MOVIES 2011 (part 2)

srednjačkih Here are a few (at best!) New hororčića too bedastih to deal with them in detail, and yet, one would refrain fool to want to looking, and briefly describe what they did to me: I go from worst (1 -) to something a little less bad (3 -).


1 -
The Chilean torture is torture porn indescribable scale: do not help either natural mountain beauty when a camera with a bad itch, taken by your light, does not help that this is najrudimentarniji of all (anti) Plot: Two girls are zaplaćuju the mountain, one tuned / broken foot, call a shepherd who turns out to love to torture women, but even more viewers in the long staff dealt with their fucking little sheep ... he tortured them, so that a free and sjeb him, a little blood breast in the dark, and sense, and the point niđe - even sadistic set- pisova or good effects for those who are here because of this (and no other reason)! You searched Dadaist film? Here is it! It makes NO SENSE!


JAP, 06
* (*) ;
1 +
Iscimao I to this locate just because you sign Shozin Fukui , a director I am very dear 964 PINOCCHIO and RUBBER'S LOVER (click on the links for my rivjue) . My happiness was not the end when I discovered is that it is a horror film! Alas, the horror is just the experience of watching this nonsense. The plot is a typical J-horror classics: an obscure TV station received footage allegedly incite the audience to samoubije. The reporter and her cameraman go to one of the most boring najpužolikijih and investigations in the history of JH's, only to come to one of najbezveznijih results. There is no trace of inspiration in this cheap-looking, and apparently mercenary video work. All around him was so corny and clumsy to me hopeful wants to believe that Fukui, disgusted dunce scenario, this is deliberately directed to look like a parody of J-horror ofucani motives and situations, but - even so, what All this, if the parody is stupid and negledljivija of what (perhaps) a parody?


SPA, 11
* (*)
2 -
One pregnant girdles in his house in the countryside of a small group of his quasi-girlfriend, from which one - no one knows who - spanđala with her beloved, and is preparing to run away with him as tomorrow. Well, not so fast! It begins as a dull-slaughter in the background of an extremely stupid and incredibly ugly soap opera actress - a truly amazing, however, were able to find at least some English girls okay, no matter what the plot requires Gadura, because despite so much ženskinju on the screen, All have some kind of bastards that God has preserved, and therefore all this is intolerable and mučnije watch. That is, if I am already, you do not have to.


USA, 11
This is exactly what you would expect of the film with this plot and this team, and promotion - especially if you read my Faustian display, since it is yet another hard rubbing izanđale formula of zabludeloj sheep (pop-suspected) that, after a series of "demonic" manifestations, in the end back herd, thanks to the Devil, that is. Catholic faith. Not only is this an ideological Bljuzga, but in some corny plot devoid of any breath of freshness, originality, or interesting - is not even silly enough to approach the shake, or explicitly enough to be exploited, but it is completely loaded some sort of feigned, fake " gloom, "inflated and nonexistent" weight " and (melo) drama, which does not correspond to these antics, and this stretched deja makes you work harder to track. Even the "besieged" Anthony Hopkins has too little, too late, that his rictus grimace and justify wasting time on this.


USA, 11
**(*) ;
2 +
Another fairly common, but watchable video clip about evil twins - this time, two high school students who have the power to, joint effort, influencing the minds of the people in your area so that they inserted into the brain all sorts of ideas, images and intentions, and thus indirectly, where necessary, to death. In the end it turns out they even telekinesis is not the party (although it is unclear why he did not use before that), a key power is related to sucmurasto, smandrljani twist that it blurs more than it explains, or "mean". It is nice painted and well staged, but too sketchy and not ambitious (particularly with regard to "project" our BLIZNICA). Storyline is predictable routine, partly borrowed from the Dead Ringers: the arrival of fraternal equilibrium violates ženskinje eager to be involved in a pair of two sensitive, leading to a gradual end of the cleft and somewhat similar to that of Kronijevom masterpisu - only here, of course, does not have the connotation nor the emotional impact. Things further cheapens the cliché black cop who investigates a series of suspicious deaths: still besieged by women from the past - failed to save her from a fire = guilt and occasional nightmares (not to revive particularly eventful film) - and "redemption" when at the end from fire rescue another woman. Zeeeev.


UK, 11
**(*) ;
2 +
Srednjački, watchable hororčić the family who would like to revive Cerčić casualties, the three days, is particularly interesting because of the always-entertaining environment in rural England score and twisted them, pagan customs, which here receive iconographic innovative twist (a specific ritual to revive the dead), although it is very absurd and hardly compatible with the prevailing "realism." Do not fall for exaggerated comparisons with WICKER MAN-om and the like. classics, this classic is not in the announcement, and has a very moderate recommendation only obsessed fans of horror, starved for something-how much tolsna not spit in the face of the viewer. Semi-fairy-tale horror (like the "monkey paw" or its stivenkingizaciju in Pet Sematary) is not connected with the most successful attempts at drama, but let's say you have here a few noteworthy scenes (ritual mentioned vaskrsenija; suffering under bull ass ...) and that the all moderate smooth and politely informed that it may look.


SPA, 11
3 -
well photographed (in English!) and well directed, but by convention written horror-thriller about a woman who lost his vision, and perhaps a reason, and that the killer ganja , I was not able to pull in your tighter plot, or that interested me for its distinctly unlikeable characters and minorities Adventures, and, consequently, to involve me in a drama or suspense, which are competent but do not exceed the level of mediocre, conventional, strictly one-off nature, forgetful. Comparisons with ORFANATO, for example, are completely idiotic: this movie is not of that rank - perhaps by the Budget and ambition, but not by reaching the quality. But, this is for two shades better than the average horror USA Today, and when no rain is good and the English Town (ie, English Village).

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How To Remove A Sprinkler Valve


3 -
Although the title refers to Tromin film 30 years ago (which I once tried to watch, so smorio realizing that redneci its target audience, and left it for a moment of despair when they do not I have smarter things to watch), this MOTHER'S DAY would rather have to advertise as unofficial remake Deodato house at the edge PARK . This as a compliment, especially since I consider this to several shades more entertaining film, although he, like kasnodošavši, can not have that place in the history of the genre that has gained Deodato, and if we are right, there is not that level of social awareness and relevance. Okay, there's a dose moralizatorstva (ie preaching), at the SAW sequels later, but what we do not act prudently so as not honest with Deodato, who was convinced to make a new version PAKLENE ORANGE (not to say that it is managed, but - he did it).

antipatičnih small group of characters in the home of one of them finds herself in the role of hostages begin tormenting family mini-psychopathic criminals led by Big-Bad-Mommy ( very solid Rebecca De Mornay), who is hiding for a moment, while the police chase just robbed a bank, and she tries to find the money to her former home. Patience is a maniac on trial (one of them was wounded), as well as "friendship" crowd and "love" between the present priženjenih, which only sovereign pairs.
follows: binding threats, skinning, crying, begging for mercy, the absence of grace, skinning, more crying, more binding, reversals, sadistic games, psychological torture, physical torture, screaming, bečenje, rictus, staring, howling, betrayal, deceit, dark secrets, beating, shooting, cutting, burning, etc.. and in the end - must bitch-fight in the kitchen (and elsewhere? women are!) between alpha-mom and a moms-to-try (our dubious heroine, who for reasons unknown NOT wearing a shirt bratee).

Is there enough tension, suspense, severity, sadism, and turns to raise this as one of USA solidnijih new horror-thriller, no matter what and on the the other half is subject debilizaciji and effusive with his twist-on twist-on-absurd-twist dramaturgy. It's hard to imagine the prim and meaningless scene than when psycho-mom organizes ritual downloading is injured innocence to his son when he realizes that this darkness with neskinutim posthumous plunge into darkness: elem (Ratko) young man at that moment in predsmrtnoj fever and near-delirious, sweaty and bloody and almost lost, and every well-intentioned citizen, it is clear that this can not even raise a little finger alone Djoko - what's more, every effort in this direction, in this state, any stress, can only accelerate it to the grave.

addition, suffers from a self-imposed duty to his every 6.5 minutes offered at a scene of torture and brutalisation which, however, stretches the limits of credibility and drama and its message that would tell us, and it turns into a somewhat mechanical whirl of torture scenes: those damn torture after another!

This is not surprising, as directed by Darren Lynn Bausmen, director of Saw 2, 3 and 4, and Repo: Genetic Opera (the latter was so terrible that I turned off after 10 minutes, the SAW series, I took leave on the third part). In relation to the aforementioned, is directed here is much better, more functional, and just manages to be unobtrusive and to deliver a very solid amount of tension, suspense and uncertainty.

However, the final twist, and an epilogue, the climax is one of bezveznjaštva usiljenijih "it is not over" all that I saw. But what to do, the Americans have it, give what you give, the current offer, this is one moderately amusing filmić - of course, to those who can to entertain all manner of interpersonal, non-supernatural torture and implicit nihilism & misanthropy ("all are pigs, all lie and steal and converted ... "). For me this is fine litter, perhaps because I expected much, but I got a solid 90ak minutes of fun.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can Babies Have Psoriasis

John Carpenter's THE WARD (2010)

2 +

If there is any film due to which with the greatest pleasure I ate his words and his predictions and admitted that I made a mistake, then it is Karpenterov THE WARD. I wish I could once, for a change, and just this occasion, reject what TOLD YA SO! and instead say: "You know it when I said that this can not have more than 3 - and father to fuck?" Well, I joined up. This is really not understood, a great horror from the masters of the genre with a hidden quality were not adequately understood by previous critics and audience, because these were actually the pigs by this cast pearls in vain. "

criticism of the ward described as srednjački, at best, they were right . My premonitions and fears were in place.

the ward is simply irrelevant to a perfect movie. Its irrelevance simply screaming out of it louder than a cheap audio + music booming for grinding and twitching of simplicity. Carpenter is in this so little attended to, in comparison, looks like a classic GIALLO Arđento and SCREAM 4 as Craven in his most formal release.

THE WARD, unfortunately, is yet another sad testimony to the shell, which, by habit and inertia, still called the name John Carpenter ceased to inhabit an entity that made HALLOWEEN, THE THING, PRINCE OF DARKNESS. Where is he, what's with him, will ever go back (Aha! "Father, just as it is not!) - The issue is for another article. Other than a few repetitive stedikem staff polumračnih hall mental hospital, at night, when it thunders outside and seva like in a horror Skorsezeovom resurrection from the 1940s, everything else is bare routine at a moderate direct-to-DVD scripts a (male).

Now, this is a sign (Ratko) young-debut, we could say that this orgy of banality and neinspirisanih deja chase may be used as a business card for something better and bigger - but Even then, if the ward compared with the something that is the plot, setting and (not) somewhat similar inspiration, and the film ST. ANGE , which debuted Pascal Lozier (Martyrs), we find that even-more generally mediocre - debut work of the French people had more energy, imagination, visual quality, bizarre and cords than inspiration in this work the old master, who acts as that he had done for him one of his hard-working but uninspired student.

I know that passionate and uncritical Karpenterofili every frame of this film pry under the spotlight, and his search for the presence of "Master". They najzaluđeniji, deeply trapped in the past, most prone to denial, surely it somewhere and find it. But trust me - that Karpenterovo name is not on the peak, hardly anyone would have the need to even bother this, much less anyone should think of it, watching this blindly, because the ward like a Carpenter as much EASTERN PROMISES looks like Cronenberg, while the latter is nonetheless a few shades better (and more valuable) film.

what's worse - not only is this bad for Carpenter, this is bad for anyone. Scenario carries much of the blame, because terminally, hopelessly stupid, uninspired, blank. Amber Heard is a sweet girl, but maybe too cute modeling to achieve a sympathetic rebel charisma that her scenario is not adequately provided.
What we have here is a story about that stuffed piromANkA Sr. Member where the doctors hold sharp knives, letter on their desks while receiving patients and where patients are free to going through the room where the drugs are, without supervision, and where every day is sunny and cloudless but where every night, without exception, thunder and seva as there will dawn tomorrow. There is also indicates the spirit of some monstrous zombie girls inclined to the other models-patient draws the room for treatment-torture, and there it headed for lobotomy freedom and fry them a hot plate for electric shocks.

It is difficult to say whether nezanimljivije the girls themselves, or "mystery" regarding the "spirit", or ways of ghostly manifestations, or are you short and stupid crimes. One thing is certain - now a hundred times prežvakani "turnaround" is evident from the start, and its pale light of all this tepid and lame events become more senseless and tupavija. Strictly speaking, many nonsense are, to some extent, justified that twist, but it is a pathetic excuse for 90 minutes bezvezarija.

the ward is an extremely dull film to watch, and just as uninteresting to describe and criticism, both a waste of time, and therefore, apart from warning to lower expectations - for I know that you still want to check yourself all this - I really do not know what I would still say that. Say that camera is okay, but not at the level Karpenterovih classics, and music, which is not on the radio (hated it? Is not it there?) Is a further nail in the coffin for the old John - Plain tral-la churns out what is the average direct-to-DVD stupidarije, unworthy of directors who are, when it is not on what I did, composed of people such as Jack Nietzsche and Ennio Morricone, but unfortunately worthy and maybe even too good for this in what is now specifically pasted.

Perhaps it was nothing to write that this is at least a half-assed Carpenter, like vampires, and even misguided Carpenter, as Ghosts of Mars, but brothers and sisters, THE WARD Carpenter is not, therefore, this depressing footnote to his career and deserves further the story.

(PS: Yes, even the shower scene of these models has been done in irritating PG-13 bare-back-at-best fashion, and the effects of the masks are kept to a minimum, and this is not as exploitation has nothing to offer when he is completely hollow as a drama, or suspense).

Nymphet Fashion Toplist

All Night Long 2: Atrocity (1995)

4 -

As part of the "Nothing to do with Ratko Mladic " make known, almost even with the delay, it is still only in the next 5 days, you can at your nearest newsstand or in civlizovanom spec. bookstore, buy 111th number of Canadian Rue Morgue magazine, and in it found at the very end, as the strawberry on the cake, my new text in section CLASSIC CUTS, dedicated to Japanese uber-torture splatter ALL NIGHT LONG 2 . 

            U tom textu (na engleskom, dakako) ja ga posmatram kao proto-torture-porn, ali i kao film koji ima nešto na pameti . No, da se ne ponavljam, ono što ovde želim o tom filmu da kažem, a što nisam za RUE MORGUE napisao, jeste sledeće.

When I reprise a few months ago, on this text, I realized how big the (unconscious) relationship between ALL NIGHT LONG 2 and my novel NAME . First of all, they were formed at the same time - the summer of 1995 , and imbued with the very same spirit, etitjudom, and partly also matters. Of course, I at that time I was not aware of its existence, and the first time I just looked at 05.12.2001, with a DVD. By then the Name already been more than framed in my brain, to the first version otkucanoj on my then new computer. And the Spirit, and the plot had already been there.

However, now that I look All Night Long 2 , from a distance, and relatively soon after reading NAŽIVOG (on the occasion of last year's new, processed items, which is still in stock), I see a number of similarities in the overall picture, and the level of detail:

- absence moralizatorstva and condemn all sorts of 'pathological' states, events and characters, which are presented 'as is' cold, clinical,

; - theme 'decay of innocence' or initiation (in the movie much prostodušnije, but still present);

- nihilistic etitjud no acclamation of commercial conventional narrative and plot feelgood horror (romance, action, humor ...);

- almost total absence of anything 'normal' (in my 'normality' epitomizes Goran, bosses at porn video club; by Matsumura are ground henčmeni main villain); so. 'Normal' world is only a very distant background of the characters that are extremely thin and questionable relationship (at least at the apparent level, depth, they are certainly part of that image, even if marginal);

; - distaste for birth, procreation, multiplication,

- explicitness in krvopljusu , without closing your eyes, without having to hide: no lies, no deception;

- direct collision of sex and death , mortification, sex and sexualisation of death;

; - homosexualnost as one of the aspects of alienation and 'normality' - the explicitnija Matsumura, and jednodimenzionalnija, and of course devoid of esoteric symbolism that is in my novel;

; - theatralisation and ritualization of violence ;

; - conceptualization designed sadism ;

- pervading sense of meaninglessness , hopelessness, absurdity ... the collapse of 'traditional' values;

- The villain in this film bears an uncanny resemblance, even physically, but above all by etitjudu, intonation, body language and Mimica, to what I intended Boris ("murderer" from the Department balding) in TITLE (of course in my vision it has very short hair, but everything else is there somewhere, minus Asia):

; - the villain, for its interior decoration, especially on posters on the walls his apartment, more like a Dejan :
and he is obsessed with anatomy, corporeality, meatiness of existence, and actual (mass) crimes, genocide documentary footage, darkest images in human history ...

course, there are and numerous differences: in Matsumura have complete absence of a broader, social context, because it narrows the focus even more than me in the novel; neubedljivija is insufficiently developed "philosophy" of the main villain (compared to my sector) increased emphasis on exploitation, shock to shock, wild instincts, which is not always enough conceived and justified, there is a lack of any hint of "higher" goals, metaphysics, kosmicizma - which Matsumurin film makes it even blacker and beznadežnijim from my already dark novel, but the film also almost one-dimensional in its connotations, which my novel, I hope, however, is not.

But all that aside, the fact remains that ALL NIGHT LONG 2 one of the closest relatives of my novel in the film, and it therefore strongly recommend to all who have not looked at.

Otherwise, the first part is much weaker, there is the same that the director only ispipavao topic of violence in today's alienated and dehumanised Japanese youth, and the first film has a rather flat structure of 'revenge' film, where even the revenge is not realized even staged especially interesting or in terms of the way of performance, nor explicit, nor even of some Impakta that all should have. Because of me he has 3 - and only lukewarm recommendation.

The third part is also worth watching, but only for the toughest stomachs, having even more heinous, dirtier, morbid from the first two together, but he fails completely to come up with a total nihilism and it seems almost masochistic plunging into shit, Stroke, and sperm menstrual blood only to said: "It sucks, but pissing." OK, that's what they say, certain large-degenerični legalists, "legitimate" messages, but it is expressed through the plot intriguing enough as the second part, or that there is a hint of such interesting characters as part of this atrocity, which remains the peak of the series, so the third part of me has a strong, fine trio ( *** ).

Čevtrti and fifth parts are available without eng. subtitles, and we therefore still lurking in stock and waiting for his moment, although I am one of them looked at what the hell principle, without subtitles, and to me seems much flatter and less in every sense of the first three parts.
If someone somewhere excavation subtitles for later extensions, some here feel free to tip-off!