Saturday, May 14, 2011

Storage Mudroom Bench


after the trauma that caused me to read novels SHADOW OF OUR DESIRE
darka tuševljakovića
I suddenly decided to change its original plan of rapid and systematic immersion in the recent Serbian genre fiction - after almost two years of being away on a desert island called DOCTORATE - when I realized that the act could have on my psyche to leave nezalečive consequences. instead, therefore, that by doing reših Serbian fantasists and hororistima rest, at least for the moment, with something that will restore my faith in the meaning of literature
reading - in other words, I took into the hands of a book that promised to time invested in her reading to be adequately rewarded.
and so would!
konkretno, ignacijus rajli je debela proždrljiva lenčuga loših higijenskih navika sa manijom da je svet protiv njega. ispunjen je sumanutim mesijanskim planovima za spas društva koje zapravo prezire i na koje gleda sa, doslovno, srednjovekovnim merilima. pritom je sex-frustriran, živi s majkom, ispunjava grdne sveske u linijama svojim grotesknim idejama i nazorima, gnuša se svakog posla, kao i doba u kome živi i ljudi koje sreće. njegovi mizantropski ispadi predstavljaju vrhunce dostojne da se uporede sa biserima lavkraftovih žučnih rasističkih pisama iz njujorka, te hajlajtovima iz proze selina, barouza i bernharda! omiljeni epiteti su mu: mongolidono, perverzno i abortirano.

although it is lujka, through his madness occasionally flashed moments that are not delusional (at least to me, but who I and I to judge what is normal and what is crazy?). In fact, shares in which ostrvljuje to their age (here: 1960) could originate from lavkraftovih letters, eg:
"I refuse to" look up. "Optimism nauseates me. It is perverse. Since man's fall , his proper position in the universe has been one of misery. "
"With the breakdown of the medieval system, the gods of chaos, lunacy, and Bad Taste gained ascendancy. " (Lavkraft be here instead of the Middle Ages rising age of the Enlightenment of the 18th century English, for him - the culmination of civilization, after which all of the decline and popast.)
Employers sense in me a denial of their values \u200b\u200b... They fear me. I suspect that they can see that I am forced to function in a century which I loathe. "
(compared to HPL's almost pathological inability to deal with anything profitable, 'useful'...)
čak i literatura koju preporučuje zabludeloj omladini donekle nalikuje nečemu što bi lavkraft, zadrti fan svega staro-rimskog, mogao da potpiše:
"Then you must begin a reading program immediately so that you may understand the crises of our age," Ignatius said solemnly. "Begin with the late Romans, including Boethius, of course. Then you should dip rather extensively into early Medieval. You may skip the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. That is mostly dangerous propaganda. Now that I think of it, you had better skip the Romantics and the Victorians, too. For the contemporary period, you should study some selected comic books.... I recommend Batman especially, for he tends to transcend the abysmal society in which He's found himself. His morality is rather rigid, also. I rather respect Batman. " (in the case of HPL, Batman
replaced with
Weird Tales
!) Prytania
on more than one occasion, pulled by the attractions of some technicolored horrors, filmed abortions that were offenses against any criteria of taste and decency, and reels reels of Perversion and blasphemy that stunned my disbelieving eyes, the Virginal shocked my mind, and sealed my valve. "
especially him gasp Their lust and debauchery:
"Filth!" Ignatius shouted, spewing wet popcorn over several rows. 'How dare she pretend to be a virgin. Look at her face degenerate. Rape her! " and when it falls in Fras, this or that occasion, his outbursts hipohondarski peaks are spoiled drama-queenisanja: "My respiratory system, unfortunately, is below par. I suspect that I am the result of particularly weak conception on the part of my father. His sperm was probably emitted in a rather offhand manner. " title of the novel - in its original A Confederacy of Dunces
- comes from tatka all modern psycho-cynical misanthrope,
Jonathan Swift
- for my part, chronologically, historically, it was the first really REAL
MODERN WRITER, the sensitivity with which today's sophisticated reader can fully and without delay to correspond. svift once properly noted: "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the Dunces are all in confederacy against him."
; most, though not sole, source of humor in the novel is the dramatic disproportion between the image you have of themselves heroes (not just Ignatius, but almost everyone else) and the reality that reader unobtrusively but clearly presented. and the extent of self-deception, a drastic distortion pathetic experience in pompous melodrama and similar procedures are so great that, in addition to comedy, takes and tragic dimensions, as lays bare the way in which we all works - although, hopefully not this much craze and lost grotesque caricatures that populate the territory as a novel.
Ignatius mania size, endlessly entertaining in itself, would, however, to remind the reader remotely sincere to his own (yes, Ghoul included):
"That's even worse. Only degenerates go touring. Personally, I have been out of the city only once. By the way, have I ever told you about that particular pilgrimage to Baton Rouge? Outside the city limits there are many horrors." "No. I don't wanna hear about it. "Well, too bad for you. You might have gained some valuable insights from the traumatic tale of that trip. However, I am glad that you do not want to hear of it. The psychological and symbolic subtleties of the journey probably wouldn't be comprehended by a Paradise Vendor mentality. Fortunately, I've written it all down, and at some time in the future, the more alert among the reading public will benefit from my account of that abysmal sojourn into the swamps to the inner station of the ultimate horror."
za razliku od ignacija, koji živi u neprekinutom a series of delusions, paranoia and mania, the fate of the author of this novel, unfortunately, darkly ironic illustrates
truth swift maxime: namely, John Kennedy Toole
this masterpis written in early 1960s, when he was 24 years (which is about the best time to writing masterpieces: Schopenhauer he was 25 when he finished the World as Will and present). unsuccessfully offered the manuscript to publishers: you fools are, it stubbornly refused, until the latter is killed when he was 32, and you did not write any more. manuscript was then annoyed his mother continued to someone trying to bay, in which he finally succeeded in only a decade after sinovljevog suicide. novel was immediately awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the late and long grounded by a fool in the grave oteranog bricks and certainly more pleased.
basic features of the dark hinterlands Tulove life stories have in the afterword, Serbian edition, which you can see - in English - or online here:
Walker Percy's Foreword to A Confederacy of Dunces
CONSPIRACY Buddha novel so good that I was in his case violated his or pretty a firm principle that works originally written in English do not read in Serbian translation: namely, the script I currently was not available, and start reading in Serbian, I was too eager to immediately izgustiram to the end, instead of waiting for a good opportunity to get this in English , so I said FUCK IT, and threw up on film (released CLIO few years ago, surely there are still on sale, I bought about a year ago). translation could have been juicier, and livelier and freer than it is, but my goodness, what the hell: this is already worth iznovnog reading. first opportunity nabaviću yourself and read the English version of this again. and again.
CONSPIRACY Buddha offers an abundance of first class entertainment and a sharp, keen, black humor - unobtrusive wit and subtle satire not only on society but, above all, the man as a creature, the book also shifted from a class of time-limited and historically conditioned by history to shine for a moment, that to a few years later, were rightfully forgotten.
John Kennedy Toole not written by the fools of his time, but for eternity, and therefore this novel - now 'old' for half a century - seems fresher and stronger than most popular that are idle with instant success achieved fame ...


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