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As part of the "Nothing to do with Ratko Mladic " make known, almost even with the delay, it is still only in the next 5 days, you can at your nearest newsstand or in civlizovanom spec. bookstore, buy 111th number of Canadian Rue Morgue magazine, and in it found at the very end, as the strawberry on the cake, my new text in section CLASSIC CUTS, dedicated to Japanese uber-torture splatter ALL NIGHT LONG 2 .
U tom textu (na engleskom, dakako) ja ga posmatram kao proto-torture-porn, ali i kao film koji ima nešto na pameti . No, da se ne ponavljam, ono što ovde želim o tom filmu da kažem, a što nisam za RUE MORGUE napisao, jeste sledeće.
When I reprise a few months ago, on this text, I realized how big the (unconscious) relationship between ALL NIGHT LONG 2 and my novel NAME . First of all, they were formed at the same time - the summer of 1995 , and imbued with the very same spirit, etitjudom, and partly also matters. Of course, I at that time I was not aware of its existence, and the first time I just looked at 05.12.2001, with a DVD. By then the Name already been more than framed in my brain, to the first version otkucanoj on my then new computer. And the Spirit, and the plot had already been there.
However, now that I look All Night Long 2 , from a distance, and relatively soon after reading NAŽIVOG (on the occasion of last year's new, processed items, which is still in stock), I see a number of similarities in the overall picture, and the level of detail:
- absence moralizatorstva and condemn all sorts of 'pathological' states, events and characters, which are presented 'as is' cold, clinical,
; - theme 'decay of innocence' or initiation (in the movie much prostodušnije, but still present);
- nihilistic etitjud no acclamation of commercial conventional narrative and plot feelgood horror (romance, action, humor ...);
- almost total absence of anything 'normal' (in my 'normality' epitomizes Goran, bosses at porn video club; by Matsumura are ground henčmeni main villain); so. 'Normal' world is only a very distant background of the characters that are extremely thin and questionable relationship (at least at the apparent level, depth, they are certainly part of that image, even if marginal);
; - distaste for birth, procreation, multiplication,
- explicitness in krvopljusu , without closing your eyes, without having to hide: no lies, no deception;
- direct collision of sex and death , mortification, sex and sexualisation of death;
; - homosexualnost as one of the aspects of alienation and 'normality' - the explicitnija Matsumura, and jednodimenzionalnija, and of course devoid of esoteric symbolism that is in my novel;
; - theatralisation and ritualization of violence ;
; - conceptualization designed sadism ;
- pervading sense of meaninglessness , hopelessness, absurdity ... the collapse of 'traditional' values;
- The villain in this film bears an uncanny resemblance, even physically, but above all by etitjudu, intonation, body language and Mimica, to what I intended Boris ("murderer" from the Department balding) in TITLE (of course in my vision it has very short hair, but everything else is there somewhere, minus Asia):
; - the villain, for its interior decoration, especially on posters on the walls his apartment, more like a Dejan :
and he is obsessed with anatomy, corporeality, meatiness of existence, and actual (mass) crimes, genocide documentary footage, darkest images in human history ...
course, there are and numerous differences: in Matsumura have complete absence of a broader, social context, because it narrows the focus even more than me in the novel; neubedljivija is insufficiently developed "philosophy" of the main villain (compared to my sector) increased emphasis on exploitation, shock to shock, wild instincts, which is not always enough conceived and justified, there is a lack of any hint of "higher" goals, metaphysics, kosmicizma - which Matsumurin film makes it even blacker and beznadežnijim from my already dark novel, but the film also almost one-dimensional in its connotations, which my novel, I hope, however, is not.
But all that aside, the fact remains that ALL NIGHT LONG 2 one of the closest relatives of my novel in the film, and it therefore strongly recommend to all who have not looked at.
Otherwise, the first part is much weaker, there is the same that the director only ispipavao topic of violence in today's alienated and dehumanised Japanese youth, and the first film has a rather flat structure of 'revenge' film, where even the revenge is not realized even staged especially interesting or in terms of the way of performance, nor explicit, nor even of some Impakta that all should have. Because of me he has 3 - and only lukewarm recommendation.
The third part is also worth watching, but only for the toughest stomachs, having even more heinous, dirtier, morbid from the first two together, but he fails completely to come up with a total nihilism and it seems almost masochistic plunging into shit, Stroke, and sperm menstrual blood only to said: "It sucks, but pissing." OK, that's what they say, certain large-degenerični legalists, "legitimate" messages, but it is expressed through the plot intriguing enough as the second part, or that there is a hint of such interesting characters as part of this atrocity, which remains the peak of the series, so the third part of me has a strong, fine trio ( *** ).
Čevtrti and fifth parts are available without eng. subtitles, and we therefore still lurking in stock and waiting for his moment, although I am one of them looked at what the hell principle, without subtitles, and to me seems much flatter and less in every sense of the first three parts.
If someone somewhere excavation subtitles for later extensions, some here feel free to tip-off!
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