before it is a great cthulhu only just a funny octopus.
talking about the so-called horror-related. 'Globalization' and the role of international (financial) interest in breaking up Yugoslavia in the 6-7 pathetic quasi-independent vassal tribute državičica and the enslavement of its peoples, nations and Egyptians.
documentary titled WEIGHT CHAINS / THE WEIGHT OF CHAINS talking about the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the bombing of Serbia, the secession of Kosovo and the 'European integration' puppet states emerged from the ruins of Yugoslavia, but the emphasis on economic (global) factors in these events.
course that does not negate or diminish nationalism and the old local store's who first started, "who is who first slaughtered, and why, but the chewing gum inserted into the second plan, and shows above all how, exactly, and why, in the interests of foreign potentates to sponsor protégés who will play their game, and remove or disable those other (if any / where applicable).
developments in the ex-yu, also placed in the wider process of destroying Kontext economies of other ex-communist eastern European countries, as for example, Hungary, and a number of examples from Slovenia, and Croatia (which still are denied the EU's door) shows the horrors that our brave politicians we made it into a bright future called 'European Union' (which, if there is no alternative! you hook it us!).
young director
Boris Malagurski managed to collect a number of key moments in that summarize and wrap these horrors - some of them are commonplace collective awareness of our elderly, who are looking to name, on TV, in those days, but nevertheless it is good to find them all together in one place, because
blast from the past
can not be loud enough to prdre the head of the old and young people today and remind viewers / discover the bizarre madness as we passed - and why.
not be expected that a complex story explains any particular film, so even this: even though for nearly two hours, there's no space or time to enter into all the complicated nuances of historical koškanjima and good neighborly slaughter of the local nation, from the Second World. War to the present.
still are roughly shown by almost all the key moments, though it be the flash, the
wham-bam-thank-you-ma'm manner where an automatic Fire alternate recordings, statements, documents, quotes and comments, which is an elementary knowledge of the events necessary to have this all connected, and thus a foreign viewer this may seem somewhat confusing and neshvatljivije than a balkanoidu where the muzzle known.
must be proud of what the director was digging a little deeper than usual, and these films have used multiple inserts and statement, and it has found several colorful, rarely seen footage and interviewees - especially those related to the picture that was not the will of the Western media and their forgeries:
story of Serb-Muslim village where the people all the time lived without conflict of the story of two Croatian officials who opposed the HDZ's genocidal plans, and so are removed, and the one Serb who intervened to defend the Muslims of drunken Serbian soldiers, only to be beaten to death by these ...
although the interviewees in the film are mainly from the Serbian side (including some American Serbs), something like the balance established by the presence of people such as
Lewis MacKenzie, former commander of the UN,
James Bissett, former Canadian ambassador in Belgrade, journalist Scott Taylor, an economist Michel Chossudovsky
in the film as interviewees appear: divac , Veran Matic, Branislav Lecic , then the former Slovenian Minister of Economy
Jože Mencinger
, and some kind of Serbian and Bosnian rappers (!).
see also some little-known public documents, tako da se zbirom svih tih parčića spaja jedna slika čije su razmere doslovno – jezive.
TEŽINA LANACA je daleko od savršenog filma, ali mu se ponešto može otpisati na mladost autora i na neverovatno nizak budžet kojim je sve ovo urađeno.
ono što najviše smeta jeste scenarista/reditelj u ulozi naratora: iako donekle razumem njegovu potrebu da stranom, a pre svega američkom gledaocu govori kao nekom detetu i/ili idiotu, sa intonacijom somewhere between
mande (beyond the rainbow) and
, though I must say that his 'comical' intoned comments creak and pretty much do not bother her colloquialisms - some of them are in place, and help to simplify the complex things clear comprehensive substance - how their blatantly patronizing tone.
In addition, it would not hurt a bit more focus, a little more clear emphasis on important and a little less (by subject, strictly point of view) irrelevant or secondary, because the abundance of themes, materials, interlocutors, shots etc.. who are interesting in themselves, somewhat soften or lose the main argument here and there.
example, the film remains rather vague on the issue of whether the EU and America are two heads of the same dragon, or maybe there are some differences and disagreements? then, not enough detail to deal with Slobo U.S., banking background, and therefore who they are and where they came from the current G17 + and similar to them (referred to something, but it took even more).
much more important things here only touched upon, but, as I said Lavkraft -
we live on the idyllic island of ignorance in the midst of the dark sea of \u200b\u200binfinity and it is not meant to travel too far. documentaries such as this, each striving for himself, so far we have not much harm, but one day the merger of widespread knowledge razotkriće us so horrifying reality horizons, and strahotnost our position within it, or we'll go mad from the revelation or flee from the light in peace and safety of a new dark age.
PS: I know who's in charge here for piracy - that is, links you have with Abraxas
and poitajte to download it and certify this very valuable, but sobering and devastating document of real horror in which we are, and where we have yet to be ...
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