SHADOW OF OUR DESIRE (1) - Dark Tuševljaković
Monday, May 2, 2011
, 'a guy who promises' on Serbian genre scene. alas, here and there his promises, in some shorter works, have not been fulfilled in this dim novel.
some of its weak story, but I was on this blog dealt with the legendary text
Unfortunately, the text did not reach where it would be best if it is, as all the mistakes revealed in this story are now, in the novel , is bulkier, larger, heavier forgivable. this affliction was noticed by this author in previous stories, including pathos is not reserved only for the narrator. here's what he says his 14-year-old girl:
"'You told about their spirits," she said and came closer to me.' Now I want to hear about mine. '"(68) she, also admits
later, the teenager said:
"I once heard a story of a girl who I means ... "(164)
pushing this 'one' refers to her gum ago 5-6 days - but never mind, it's nice (and pathetic) sounds when you start a sentence with 'one ...',' once upon a time ... ' and so on.
and there is a gypsy-fortune-teller, who speaks entirely literary Serbian language:
vain vranih any horse on the field playful was worthless and hours of farm
for nothing was the fertile fields, vineyards, noble
"... rusty barges, like the carcasses of metal dinosaur, sunk into the ground like a biscuit in the milk." (13) (even here it was not enough for a comparison - the dinosaurs - but in the same sentence, next, another piled with biscuits in milk:
" The scar that it is divided into two unequal parts now looked as long gorge seen from a great distance, as something that is a satellite photographed the way around the planet. "(85)
" The cottage, crazy geologist was snoring so that the mountains shook. "(145)
"Crater Halem mind in a close-up Goran Isaac looked like a huge pan in which the giant cube melted butter in scrambled eggs." (145)
"The clouds were threatening the country, such as tooth decay over the full otežalog language." (170)
"The refinery on the other side of the street is iskašljavala poison around which the people gather, such as a worm at the carcass." (173)
"On the way to the mill, mules through the streets screaming loudly attributed to teens." (184)
"Mašta je morala da odradi ostalo i nabaci meso na kostur priče, spremivši pretpubertetskom ovisniku preko potreban fiks." (str. 10)
"Large particles of dust hovering in the air like drugged flies." (61)
" The rain was tight fists pounding on the windows that let in there. "(62) brrrrrr! So do not write horror.
pardon, so it does not say
"As the mother and uncle and settled at the table, the kitchen echoed real drums, they beat the natives in the comics when you announce that you are a specialty of the day." (133)
"Outside the clouds looked like ships in the moonless night lightning love sleeping dreams." (151)
"Every word he uttered progressed through my back legs like a spider ... "(161)
" Hanna's voice is quieter than the wings of fruit flies over the empty glass ... "(186)
"Words from me, whistled like a telephone wire in the wind." (175)
"I followed him like a dog, dragging his feet on the ground and muffled growling." (173)
"Sour smell of her (Džemirinog) sweat returning us to the present, such as brine, which forced a challenge for drunks." (189)
"The silence we are now in favor - the only way I could hear Zeljka steps - but instead of Zeljka, she made the two lead weight and hanged them about my eyelids. "(209)
" ... I saw a complex of wood (through them, as through a sieve, the laser beam penetrated the pole on the street )..." (237)
"No matter how quickly ran, I knew that we can not escape the persecutor, because how to run away to someone in town whose streets are not able to surprise
"Ulepljen as if she had just dropped out of the womb, into the clearing uncle rushed and simplified finger in me. 'Almost from running away, asshole.' "(252)
(great: chillingly are monsters to curse, or at least say who gilipteri. This is, btw, clean example of the blind observance of Stephen King's School, one of the lessons that darko really could not avoid, if they had any shift towards a model.) ; Gosa
"In the eyes of the video Cigankinim fatigue. "Tales from the past, such as large fish in the ocean even more, Daniel, 'she said. 'If you want to upecaš one, you have to be patient and wise and have good equipment. And even then, who knows he'll catch. In deep water, one can not choose. One wrong move and plastic will snap back and catch back into oblivion. Although silkworm strong string, most of the work is on us. A fish is too much time being kidnapped. '"(131)
(damn! just when you thought it was safe to grab that shaving foam!)
now realize that this is too much, and I barely scratched the surface. All the above are only minor problems of this novel.
Unfortunately, the text did not reach where it would be best if it is, as all the mistakes revealed in this story are now, in the novel , is bulkier, larger, heavier forgivable.
'll try to be brief as it is at all possible, and that taxativno cite problems (and illustrative-evidence for my argument). problems of this novel are as follows: ;
1) "Angels in the architecture"
(from which, at the above link, you can see an example of pink prose), and here she is completely unleashed - from the title of the novel and its cover (on which the silkworm is reflected in the water as a silk daffodil) , over the desired intonation bittersweet nostalgic 'shores for mlados' and 'end of childhood' (which seems to fixacija this author, "the angels in the architecture" also deal with teenagers and minorities soap-opera love jadima in the fall of some unconvincing and fake horror Karakondzula) until the point of view of the older narrator who returns to the past, and the intonation mutant between Stephen King and
Djordje Balasevic (from which, at the above link, you can see an example of pink prose), and here she is completely unleashed - from the title of the novel and its cover (on which the silkworm is reflected in the water as a silk daffodil) , over the desired intonation bittersweet nostalgic 'shores for mlados' and 'end of childhood' (which seems to fixacija this author, "the angels in the architecture" also deal with teenagers and minorities soap-opera love jadima in the fall of some unconvincing and fake horror Karakondzula) until the point of view of the older narrator who returns to the past, and the intonation mutant between Stephen King and
, go to the Pannonian dert Gudi to the violin: "I complained over their own destiny that I was chained chains of boredom and was sinking in the sand Banat, as long as me, the moment when it seemed that the past will never come to life, the memories are not shook from wide-eyed slumber and asked me whether I, by chance, I forgot them. But, slowly. First we choose a beginning and a boat dock along the dark waters of memory. It comprises of two boys, one rain and old buildings along the river, to unwind the story together and allow to cover the Vojvodina plain like a bed of clouds. "(p. 12)
; and here's what we Pannonian sailor said later: "I have been a tower in the plain, weeping willow, Bugatijev bike star half a century. I felt hollow inside that nothing could satisfy. Zeljka's story was like music from another continent. Tones were close, but the melodies. "(69)
"You're different from each other, Di. I just do not know if you have sensitive or bezosećajniji." (165)
(Di's 'Daniel' in Pancevo; sound like the name of a princess ...) "'I'll leave you in a safe,' I said." When all is over. "
'I always thought I was safe with you.' "(164) and more :
"Okay, but do you love him? Do you, whenever you see him, my heart leaped as if to jump out of the chest? Do every time you speak his name feel that you have defiled something that should not stain ?" (118)
look like the culmination of a soap-opera međubratske drunken fights for the same woman:
" In her lap, on the surface of the lake of tears, floating a few small wild flowers. " (186-7) of tears.
on it: wild flowers ... all in her lap, after a ground-floor cafeteria fight.
this pathetic cliche - our two brothers, both love the same woman, Opa-cupa snajke, davorike Dyke - successfully parodied in SERBIAN FILM, here is treated 100% 'seriously':
"It was perfect for me, as long as did not choose him. " (254)
this is so prajsles sentence that must be etched into a stone, which would hit in the head writers-beginners . in striking these stones, I recommend to play the following verses:
for nothing was the fertile fields, vineyards, noble
chariot was worthless, roan when I'm with that worth of
when I'm with that worth of
but that's not all. Oh, no, no, no, no, noooo ... real horrors yet to come.
2) bombastic metaphors, similes and hypertrophied exaggerated personifications:
unfortunate tendency darka tuševljakovića the excesses typical of shoddy literature, and too often the 'images' unscrew at 11 is one of his, shall we say, idiosyncrasies incurable, as is evident throughout his oeuvre, and through this novel, it is well greased every few pages, from first to last. here are some of najšrkipavijih examples:
the more, the merrier !)
"Zeljka's voice was unusually high and shrill, like the sound of grinding processes a tough piece of metal. "(56)
" In the distance, a lone Thunder sounded like the homeless person who coughs last night brandy. "(58)
ovakva preterivanja ne samo što škripe sama po sebi, nego i na brojnim mestima u romanu direktno uništavaju željenu atmosferu strave, napetosti i tenzije: zato sam neke od škripavijih fraza izdvojio u zasebnu grupu.
3) inkongruentne, neadekvatne, atmosferu-razbijajuće stilske figure i fraze:
"'Staaani', čuo sam ga the rustling of their own blood flow. "(29)
(rustling sound associated with something dry, and it is inappropriate to liquid blood 'rustles') "Large particles of dust hovering in the air like drugged flies." (61)
" The rain was tight fists pounding on the windows that let in there. "(62)
not know who can feel the chill in the scene where the fortune-teller, borrowed from Thinner & DRAG ME TO HELL, and sent to the course for TV spikerke actually
mixer in which the ground something alive, or that the goose bumps of 'zlokobnosti' room that spring
drugged flies a 'horror' (so-called horror, you would say dr. Zocalo) increases
rain that tight fists pounding on the windows
! rain that tight fists pounding on the windows
pardon, so it does not say
. point.
"When we come to the silk factory, my skin has become a relief, Braille discomfort." (66)
(if you tingling 'm overwhelmed by this description)
"I felt under him (uncle view) hides more stories that are waiting to hear them, that they, like the Eskimos who drilled a hole in the ice to catch lunch, dig from the depths of memory and uncle move in yourself. " (82)
"'Do we remember every time you give her to eat (puppy Labrador). And we hope that it will be often, 'he said and kissed with the newlyweds. "(149) (do not know if it is ridiculous that someone, every time the early units, recalls the donor, or the ridiculous to the latter concern eating, though, is - often!)
"Outside the clouds looked like ships in the moonless night lightning love sleeping dreams." (151)
"Every word he uttered progressed through my back legs like a spider ... "(161)
" Hanna's voice is quieter than the wings of fruit flies over the empty glass ... "(186)
(So \u200b\u200bromantic ...)
"Words from me, whistled like a telephone wire in the wind." (175)
"I followed him like a dog, dragging his feet on the ground and muffled growling." (173)
"Sour smell of her (Džemirinog) sweat returning us to the present, such as brine, which forced a challenge for drunks." (189)
(all known cases, and not the cup!)
"The silence we are now in favor - the only way I could hear Zeljka steps - but instead of Zeljka, she made the two lead weight and hanged them about my eyelids. "(209)
" ... I saw a complex of wood (through them, as through a sieve, the laser beam penetrated the pole on the street )..." (237)
(love for lasers evident in the "angels" - see link above)
"He fell into the living room I like decapitated chickens." (243)
"No matter how quickly ran, I knew that we can not escape the persecutor, because
. "(245)
(indeed, how, HOW? might narrator rather ran out of those songs NAPILE THE STREETS. when On second thought, a verse from the song - "Rock Star, because tonight I / stars who are itchy spots" - sounds like a typical tuševljakovićevska figure. stars, pimples, love, romance, street ... all there!)
"gave me the ram and hid under the table as soon as she burst Gypsy at the gate and zakreštala flock of crows that she hid in his throat." (247)
(where mixers gone? Or maybe crows grakću while gypsy mixed in its mixing of crows? Already see SLAUGHTERED child, I hit the authors 'Pannonian shithead', to continue your work even more hit 'myth fallen into solitary furnace' entitled. "myth fallen into the mixer the crows'!)
"We peered under Džemirine skirt-like Hansel and Gretel who suddenly discovered that this is a witch who wants to harm them, but a large, black wolf from a different story." (251)
(scene two of them to peep under the skirt gypsy whose unwashed sweat awakens from the dead can not wash away any reference not to one but the two tales!)
all these mood-canceling phrases, and to join the mysterious uncle Goran, announcing their arrival, referred to as
(p. 42); rights of terror has overwhelmed the reader, especially the the thought: what would it be to be called Uncle George? then it was called - Đoša ? The horror, the horror!
In addition, our main character, Lady Di
his friend and pal addresses with ,
"silk bubo" (p. 22) - how gay is THAT? finally, someone might be entertaining their zajebancije, such as the oft-repeated phrase " ODJEBAUS , or running joke response 'eat shit', which reads: 'chew solid' and 'core of rare'. maybe kids to really tell, but I was here, in this novel, in the contexts of the atmosphere and ambience that are here want to achieve, creaked ... just like platitudes, such as: "I had strength to look away from the big, wide open pupil, a bottomless pit. " (36) eyes - a bottomless pit? wow! it yet I have never heard of.
4) bezveznjačke ' Environmental Wisdom and Moral:
extract a three jewels:
(damn! just when you thought it was safe to grab that shaving foam!)
"Love is like a watermelon, I remembered to write in one of the novels that are my brothers left a legacy. While is buying, you see only what is outside and lupkaš would not sensed what lies inside, but you can never know that and will always surprise you. That's the charm. But, just like a watermelon, eventually learn the right movement, right color and size - you learn to sound and look osluškuješ ripened fruit. " (202-3)
now realize that this is too much, and I barely scratched the surface.
its larger defects, such as dramaturgical inconsistencies, pop-culture-racism, unconvincing conception of the supernatural, unintentional self-scored and ideological conservatism and nedomišljenost , we will deal with the following: stay tuned.
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