SHADOW OF OUR DESIRE (3) - Dark Tuševljaković
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Bottomless Party Kumar

that there izvikaniji 'bestsellers' from this here that even as I hear, and do not buy something too, so it is not his masovnošću and pervasiveness imposed so much dissection and sekiranje.
yes, there are much worse than this novels (actually, one of them I've recently started reading: just chilling amateur who deserves terrible and author, and lecturer, and editors, and publishers) who, therefore, deserve to be crueler than prikolju this. etc.. . after a year and a half devoted to intensive reading of some of the greatest horror classics as well as critical studies about them, and horror in general, during which time I was mostly successful avoided reading anything that is not directly connected with this work, that after so much time immersion in the best and brightest of horror and horror written during the past 250 years, darko had the misfortune of my stumbles as the first novel read after this. In addition, not only was the timing the contrast was enhanced, but I was rereading one local horror novel after a long time, from a distance, even more clearly revealed the torment, the problems and troubles domestic genre of writing in general and horror in particular. in other words, Darko's novel is, again - just like even if its here already dissected the story - served as an example, as an exemplar of some of the most common flaws that annoy me with local writers, which certainly do not intend to deal with every time I come across them, at least this much detail and yet again and again. SHADOW OF OUR DESIRE is so rigged to be priklana for example , as would in the coming rivjuima other books could be profitable, and to say, for example: 'Remember those dinosaur darkovih submerged in milk and forks like organ in the church kitchen ? e, this is much worse! "
rocket science to which domestic genre presenters rarely penetrate at all, or if they do meet up with a couple ovlašnih, abstract observations which we have to believe them a word. I speak, of course, the idejnosti novel. aka - what the author wanted to tell us? What all of this? Why are these developments, and the plot just like organized, with whom meaning and significance is happening to what is happening, what all this tells us that the symbolism behind all this, is there any point in this? where Petar Bogdanović move your ass, which he tries to 'analyze' oeuvre), which is notoriously refused to talk about his films, but this does not mean that there's no nothing, no meaning or idea. Or maybe someone thinks Darkov plot structured by the principles of Homer Simpson ( 'a bunch of stuff that happened'
)? or a strategy that some lovely prc. "... in my head all my time was Johnny Weissmuller who keeps her Jane, Harrison Ford, who is searching for the lost ark, Klaus Kinski to retract a boat through Amazon sludge (sic), Michael Douglas, which catches the diamond. "(p. 98) if you expect that, after all these speculations about the story, the adventure, the imagination of insufficient compliance - get the story really worthy of it, write destroyed. you get fake pop-derivative is not even copied from others' writing, but in comic books and films of those who in those places (except Herzog) had never been .. the principle of 'anywhere - everywhere namin', the nominal apology exotic adventures and is imbued with reactionary, 'urbanocentričnom' idejnošću: Namely, our narrator, GOSA uncle, he tells us on the occasion of a Nepalese village: bugs bunny, but it soon turns out to live in it some kind of giant wasps that are just like that stick only, and only exclusively for strikinog guide, but not for the strike (do not know why not for him) - and he said to us after, dijevim words
think you exaggerating? okay, but if you turn to page 246, you'll see it in these words: "For a moment I imagined a different end: Zeljko to remain the pavement and comes to breath, I listen to the silence until we get tired in vain guard, an uncle who never arrives, the hours that slowly pass us and numb the senses until it is anyway. Then we go back home where we find his father alive. He would in the yard and wood lying in a heap. Or, along with her mother, solved crossword in the kitchen. Perhaps the kunjao TV or something majstorisao in the basement. Radio to anything, just would not be dead. "(246) all I take it, just do my limited bezveznjačku clerical- host existence! tatka we just do not touch, even if it never and nowhere mrduo from his native place (which is already 'better of Paris', let alone some sort of Nepalese jungle and giant axis, that God forbid)! in the manner of the worst and najreakcionarnijeg preaching that rises well known, local and demonize the unknown, foreign, moral of this novel is, in fact 'be careful what you wish for ', that should not be too approached the "Goran, we believed that the fire has created for us. We came here on someone else's territory, and not raise fate and soul come out, but it seems that we have burned. We approached too close and looked old woman in the eyes. "(228)
that's what happens to those who come close too close to fire. true, she has a saying from Highlander: IT'S BETTER TO BURN OUT THAN TO FADE AWAY! but darko tuševljaković We here still offers provincial wisdom: it's better to fade away than to burn out . and that is, approximately, a message that pervades 97.8% Serbian genre fiction, especially horror. widened moral teaching type: 'Kids, do not try this at home! " Catch the familiar, ordinary, 'normal' and flee away from gearing and the unknown, because it only brings trouble. is, when I realized what I darko says the pages of this book - ie. that is, exactly, his shallow moral - well, here I am actually not only disappointed, but angry. this is the moment when I was a colleague who begged me to still be gentle with dark, sent the following SMS: since died and the father and his brother, our di not only suddenly discovering the joys of home longing, inner darkness and smell of school chalk, but understand - that the mother does what it says! same applies to the break with Zeljko, which is an act which lacks psychological plausibility. making it through what you went through was not served to them even more dates, rather than to separate them? the players that the battery? what consequences? wtf? therefore consistent slepački school , representative of established values \u200b\u200band beliefs, as a conservative Republican on the three-piece suit with stripes from Illinois - that is, in contexts of this attempt to communicate in Serbian AMERIKAN environment, the author is conservative as a radical from surdulice which reversed ćurak and become a 'progressive' view someone might Mazan, but certainly in rustic gmazan.
Darko's novel follows a couple of unfortunate circumstances: just for him, I caught the first (although I stand by the bed increasing pile of domestic novels and collections of stories from the past few years) just because I expect most of it, and is therefore a disappointment was greater. In addition, themes and plot of his novel skeleton actually sound interesting and intriguing for my tastes: for example, the new novel, his colleagues and relatives in many ways,
OTOA oltvanjija , and probably will not read, because we absolutely do not promise no liking ( in fact, be to push to get into its small and comfortable black shoes, which I have long ago left behind after 10ak page) not to speak of incredible creations shaking from what is, for example. ISLAND
damned, what would certainly offer hundreds smehotresnih sentences and passages for analysis and examples neveštog storytelling and platitudes - but I simply have no time to waste on such trash, so that this shit from me stay nezaklan not because it does not deserve, but only because I have many better books in the field to read from - it.
So Darko is just so good that it is worth reading, but just so exemplary that it deserves bad to say about that, especially since, if it does not make me, no one else, since the problems of the book - outside škripećih sentences I quoted - are not so blatant evident from an airplane as in the case, for example. one novel naumljenog for Jenna Jameson and directors DEAD ZONE. to draw: Every literate high school student will be able to show what is wrong and why the ISLAND damned. no, Darko's novel also contains problems that require kvalifikovanijeg, stručnijeg and intelligent reader, and therefore, dabogme. 
and so many of 'justification'.
and now, after I got the first part
talked about style rogobatnostima and second
about the holes in the plot, characterization, motivation, and a similar, finally to throw in one )? or a strategy that some lovely
called 'one damn thing after another' ? would not say. There is a sense of what is happening here and how, There are a leitmotif, symbolism, ideas, messages, insufficient compliance, and now I'll have to look back on this, the most sensitive aspect of not only darkovog novels, but Serbian genre fiction in general - tragic nedomišljene, superficial, and even ideologically reactionary, conservative, infantile and blunting . that is, in fact, the theme of this novel? but the title gives us a glimpse at her desire - namely, the desire to devote one's imagination, adventure, travel, escaping from longing, inner darkness and babbitry - and her SHADOW (aha, so there are some shadow there, not everything is fabulous and brilliant) . clearly put, the writer suggests that our legitimate desire for freedom, change, transformation - have some kind of downside. and now he will show us who and what is it inside out. let's see. boredom Pancevo is well portrayed. perhaps too well. lives are reduced to dajdžest version soap operas, too.
there a way out? escape: the uncle Gosu, it is literally, physically escape to distant lands and unseen spaces. for his nephew, diagnosis, it is idolatry Goša uncle, and his adventures, postcards from exotic places insufficient compliance. which proves that our di dreams of a similar escape from the city known for toxične materials. all would be well and good, that only the not so exotic bajoslovlja FEJK, and are not imbued with what I had in an earlier announced as follows pop-culture-racism .
it is a cultural-racism 'inspired by' pop-culture, in other words, the distant site are a combination of how small Đokica imagines the jungle and Hawaii, and what little Đokica of them saw in comics, TV series and b-
films. expect the vision of diversity, expect something new, unseen in this amazing world of adventure, magic, exotic, something very distant and gearing? "... I do not want to go back to Makung once you see the wonders of the city."
(p. 97) This is a question for one reason only - namely, the 'wonders of the city' only a few pages earlier described as pandemonium of street vendors who made it into all kinds of beadwork to tourists and nonsense, that place totally devoid of any 'miracles'. However, if the 'city' was a bad place, then what does say about the jungle, which initially acts as a 'wonderful place to rest' (c) "He left behind a jungle of Nepal such as the ugly dream that a man trying to forget, but he did rarely succeeds. " (102)
and could, also, to say and something like 'my village more beautiful than Paris' - for both its foreign adventures have the same structure: 'dandy outside, inside wishbone'! dull old man apparently found a nice place, and would soon fall out of a giant wasps, or, as in Hawaii, raging volcanoes, whose lava passers into šejp-sifter! then is there some place on the planet Pancevo outside where one can lie down in peace in ladovina without being seized by some miracle-mudo and bitter it all? and therefore this our brave transgresor, smoren boredom provinces and industry and family, under the influence of an adventure that he concocted Darko, comes the inevitable conservative conclusion: 'go anywhere, come home again'.
izem're the "adventurous spirit! and is no better 'di', his lover and his trail almost gazilac.
at the beginning we are given for some sort of guy 'different from others': Who is the fat man prosaic martin (which kicks into the river when he gets bored), or as Ćuza, dumb fisherman (who eventually went with the fish!), but wants to, as , 'something more', something different. lets the dragons. wanted to fly. dreams of dedi-pilot ...
alas, after his novelist not to MRDN from Pancevo, the distant and the coveted world literally comes to the threshold of the house, s into the next room - in the form of an uncle who was head flesh, or soul, which has already paid his desire to go there and see something more different.
after a tepid and almost antiklimaktične struggle with his uncle - who suffers from a brick in the head with which it Strefa ghastly dzipsi-fufa (lejm! ) - our di come to the conclusion that the wishes of having his shadow, and who takes his foot outside the statutory prohibition, has immediately or later to suffer from all kinds babaroga that lurk on every corner, as soon as zađeš step or two away from the districts of their own village.
and therefore, the wisdom to which 'di' is coming: adventure fuck, fuck imagination, travel, foreign countries and foreign customs - give me my rut and ditch water, give me the boredom, to hug her and kiss who najrođeniju, because better is safe and secure so far, but if there some kind of adventure (in which one can and STRADA)!
or words of our brave narrator:
"The best holidays are spent those filled with boredom: The tumultuous events always are left for later, for the dramatic tearful winter or spring. However, since this year decided to be different, left me only to forget about everything it was the turn to what will come, and in light of this discovery, I realized that I look forward to GOTV bench, the smell of chalk and ubuđalog sponge, grinding balls in the gym, Ćuzinom a calm face while dozing in class. I missed the daily routine, just what I reproached his father all his life. Now that the excitement over, it was worth it to try to ordinary things and find in them the charm that had previously escaped me. "(199) , at the beginning of the di wanted to escape 'the law of the father' - almost mocked babbitry his mother (reduced to the kitchen and work at home) and father (the house-referred-house-splitting wood), but eventually realizes that he is actually just fine and I have to become like his father, then - another small-town nobody who fortunate that no one is intact and that no one touch, and smell it languishing in your office or living room, to baa the TV and to solve crosswords in the newspaper, and it was his. 
that's what happens to those who come close too close to fire.
"no, I'm afraid that I will not be bland. style antics aside, but this is disgusting and ideologically.'s dumb apology miserable bourgeois status quo drew upon himself the wrath of ghoul! "
with this 'ideology' suffering and psychology - especially at the end of the novel, the characters are behaving idiotically. "We are aware that together we have nothing to say, we kept up our own impressions and struggled with the loss separately, so that the communication in the first year was limited to providing basic guidelines for living together." (260)
how, why? why the mother has nothing to say? ... I guess the writer could not think of a more vital and meaningful way of this behavior, just as the previously refused or a loss to explain the psychological dead silence at the family table. not know. our main character suddenly realizes that he is weak and no fisherman is actually a good opportunity for the woman of his life yesterday:
"Since I first saw them together walking through the park I knew that this was the best choice, and I still mean it. Ćuza is only from our common past which is rightfully could become part of its future. Martin and I are on the way exhausted the battery, we have shown what we can do and how far the team can doguramo and the right saying the game was too demanding, and the consequences were very serious. "(261) di withdraws from the game, leaving kevu to suffer and knows he knows, a girl leaves her hair another ruse Mrsi and - begins to grow their own shadow, which, unknown to, 'inherited' from his uncle.
shadow of his desire to be a little more than zilch now he is attached to the feet, and that the sleepyhead burn him at the hour of women. Stephen King, author of the 'agent standards' such as 'King' said in
dans makabru So, to summarize: what we learn in this novel?
- Honor your father that long poživiš the country.
- mother does not have to. Let's let alone deal with the potential problems and pain.
- do not covet anything that is someone else - especially not other people's dreams, ideas, stories. - not maddening to many wishes and dreams that go beyond your (meager) capabilities.
- where are sitting, because even for where are you.
- my village, more beautiful than Paris, let alone from Nepal - il Hawaii!
- go anywhere, come home again.
- their homes, their slobodica.
- Home sweet home.
- to maintain an cepaj timber body, and rešavaj crossword to maintain an spirit.
- his shit better than someone else's chocolate.
- keep up the gypsy woman who knows all cases, and who tells the teacher. and the worst.
- silk is a link with all that was and what will be.
accordingly, "Silky
waistcoat, white chest / blouse barely fit in / I was last night, my little one / mind wicked fallen ..."
that: "Nothing better than our country women / when preparing to go to dances /
Silky white waistcoat jacket / her crimson spill face / A ustašca weathered cherry / my dear, you do not come often. "
clear? darko explained, ghoul explained.
over & out.
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